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Easy and Affordable KINTOZ POS System. Reliable Web Based POS system which enables business owners to keep track of their sales, inventories and more. Simple to use sales interface, requires very little training for employees. Start processing sales in minutes. Our POS warns the cashier if your inventory is already insuficient. Food item section where is provided by the client to encode to the system. All your product info in one place including pictures, prices, and category.
Easy and Affordable KINTOZ POS System. Reliable Web Based POS system which enables business owners to keep track of their sales, inventories and more. Simple to use sales interface, requires very little training for employees. Start processing sales in minutes. All your product info in one place including pictures, prices, and category brand. Never loose track of any item ever again. Know where erverything was and where it will be with our Inventory System with Variance.
Kintoz IT Solutions
King Luigie Quintos
440 M. Leyva st. Mandaluyong City
Mandaluyong City, 1550
Logiciel de caisse et gestion de magasin. Les 12, 13 et 14 Mars 2018. Désormais, le logiciel est parfaitement adapté à nos exigences. Bravo et merci aux développeurs! One Sports - Gerardmer.
If you have anything to correct or share, please feel free to contact me.
Web Hosting - courtesy of www.
ПРОИЗВОДСТВО НА ФОЛИО РАЗПЕНЕН ПОЛИЕТИЛЕН. беше построен новия завод на Кинтрейд ЕООД и оттогава фирмата произвежда фолио разпенен полиетилен. Разпененият полиетилен е добър шумоизолатор, притежава топлоизолационни качества съпоставими с тези на експандирания полистирен и е удобен за работа, тъй като е с разнообразни дебелини и е далеч по-еластичен от останалите топлоизолационни материали.